Thursday, April 18, 2024

to live in Germany, Switzerland or Sweden?

 Is it better to live in Germany, Switzerland or Sweden?

Neither of the three - if you think it will be easy.

It is NOT easy to adapt into any of these societies, unless you come from a similar society or a similar country.

In Germany, you will not be able to participate in daily life, get meaningful friendships or just taking advantage of all programs - if you do not learn German. And for many, that part is hard. There are plenty of jobs right now, but on average, they pay far less than elsewhere in Europe, compared to what things cost. And as an immigrant, you will often find that your education is not fully recognized and you will wind up doing menial work, unless you get transferred as an expat.

Sweden is very organized, maybe too much so for many foreigners. Such an “all inclusive” life plan is stifling at best or depressing at the worst for many immigrants being used to more personal freedom. For many folks from more southerly places, the winter between September and March is a daunting time. It also seems that there is not really a lot to do.

Switzerland is also one of these rule-happy societies. This can be quite oppressing at first. Until you find out that society has a bunch of additional, albeit unwritten rules in force that you are expected to follow as well. Jobs are plentiful, often interesting and very well paid. Until you find out that you have to pay taxes off of that salary, and you need to get health coverage on your own that usually does not cover dental work. Here, too it is expected that you learn the language that is used in your corner. German, French or Italian, maybe Romansh, if you happen to work as a hotel concierge in St Moritz. Then you find out that nobody in Switzerland really speaks the German you have paid a bundle to learn. Swiss German dialects sound very different! Then you might find that many people here are not of the outgoing sort, take time to warm up to you and it seems that you almost need to hand them some money over to get them to smile. This grumpiness and appearant hostility is not racism, it is our normal resting bitch face, Swiss style, specially on a Monday morning on a gloomy November day at 8:20 A.M.

Why exactly that time? Well, yes, we Swiss are always on time and expect you to do so as well. And if you look at the face of an analog Swiss watch at that time you see the standard face of many Swiss, made by the watch’s hands. That is sometimes even called an 8:20 snout.

But weather wise Switzerland is the best choice of the three. We do get a real summer here nowadays and winters are quite mild and short at the lower elevations.





瑞典非常有组织,对许多外国人来说可能太过组织了。对于许多习惯于更多个人自由的移民来说,这种“全包式”的生活计划充其量是令人窒息的,最坏的情况是令人沮丧的。对于许多来自更南部地区的人来说,9 月到 3 月之间的冬天是一个令人生畏的时期。 似乎也没有太多事情可做。

瑞士也是这些规则至上的社会之一。一开始,这可能会让人感到相当压抑。直到你发现社会上还有一堆额外的、尽管是不成文的规则,你也必须遵守。工作机会很多,往往很有趣,薪水也很高。直到你发现你必须从工资中纳税,你需要自己购买通常不包括牙科治疗的健康保险。在这里,你也需要学习你所在地区使用的语言。德语、法语或意大利语,如果你恰好在圣莫里茨做酒店礼宾员,也许还会学习罗曼什语。然后你会发现,在瑞士,没有人真正会说你花了一大笔钱学的德语。瑞士德语方言听起来很不一样!然后你可能会发现,这里的许多人都不是外向的人,需要时间来热情地对待你,似乎你几乎需要给他们一些钱才能让他们微笑。 这种暴躁和明显的敌意不是种族主义,而是我们正常的瑞士式的臭脸,特别是在阴沉的十一月的星期一早上 8:20。

为什么是那个时间?嗯,是的,我们瑞士人总是准时,也希望你也这样做。如果你看看当时瑞士指针式手表的表面,你会看到许多瑞士人的标准表面,由手表的指针制成。有时甚至被称为 8:20 鼻子。


GermanIst es besser, in Deutschland, der Schweiz oder Schweden zu leben?

Keiner der drei – wenn Sie glauben, es wird einfach.

Es ist NICHT einfach, sich in eine dieser Gesellschaften einzufügen, es sei denn, Sie kommen aus einer ähnlichen Gesellschaft oder einem ähnlichen Land.

In Deutschland können Sie nicht am täglichen Leben teilnehmen, sinnvolle Freundschaften schließen oder einfach alle Programme nutzen – wenn Sie kein Deutsch lernen. Und für viele ist dieser Teil schwer. Es gibt derzeit viele Jobs, aber im Durchschnitt sind sie viel schlechter bezahlt als anderswo in Europa, verglichen mit den Kosten. Und als Einwanderer werden Sie oft feststellen, dass Ihre Ausbildung nicht vollständig anerkannt wird und Sie am Ende niedere Arbeiten verrichten, es sei denn, Sie werden als Expat versetzt.

Schweden ist sehr organisiert, vielleicht zu sehr für viele Ausländer. Ein solcher „All-Inclusive“-Lebensplan ist für viele Einwanderer, die an mehr persönliche Freiheit gewöhnt sind, im besten Fall erdrückend oder im schlimmsten Fall deprimierend. Für viele Leute aus südlicheren Gegenden ist der Winter zwischen September und März eine entmutigende Zeit. Es scheint auch, dass es nicht wirklich viel zu tun gibt.

 Auch die Schweiz ist eine dieser regelfreudigen Gesellschaften. Das kann zunächst ziemlich bedrückend sein. Bis man feststellt, dass in der Gesellschaft eine Menge zusätzlicher, wenn auch ungeschriebener Regeln gelten, an die man sich ebenfalls halten muss. Jobs gibt es in Hülle und Fülle, sie sind oft interessant und sehr gut bezahlt. Bis man feststellt, dass man von diesem Gehalt Steuern zahlen muss und sich selbst um eine Krankenversicherung kümmern muss, die normalerweise keine Zahnbehandlungen abdeckt. Auch hier wird erwartet, dass man die Sprache lernt, die in seinem Bereich gesprochen wird. Deutsch, Französisch oder Italienisch, vielleicht Rätoromanisch, wenn man zufällig als Hotelportier in St. Moritz arbeitet. Dann stellt man fest, dass in der Schweiz niemand wirklich das Deutsch spricht, für dessen Erlernen man ein Vermögen bezahlt hat. Schweizerdeutsche Dialekte klingen ganz anders! Dann stellt man vielleicht fest, dass viele Leute hier nicht gerade kontaktfreudig sind, Zeit brauchen, um warm zu werden, und dass man ihnen fast Geld geben muss, um sie zum Lächeln zu bringen.  Diese Griesgrämigkeit und scheinbare Feindseligkeit ist kein Rassismus, sondern unser normaler „Resting Bitch Face“ im Schweizer Stil, besonders an einem Montagmorgen an einem trüben Novembertag um 8:20 Uhr.

Warum genau diese Zeit? Nun, ja, wir Schweizer sind immer pünktlich und erwarten das auch von Ihnen. Und wenn Sie zu dieser Zeit auf das Zifferblatt einer analogen Schweizer Uhr schauen, sehen Sie das Standardzifferblatt vieler Schweizer, das von den Zeigern der Uhr gebildet wird. Das wird manchmal sogar als 8:20-Schnauze bezeichnet.

Aber wettertechnisch ist die Schweiz die beste Wahl der drei. Wir haben hier heutzutage einen richtigen Sommer und die Winter sind in den niedrigeren Höhen ziemlich mild und kurz.

French : Vaut-il mieux vivre en Allemagne, en Suisse ou en Suède ?

 Aucun des trois – si vous pensez que ce sera facile.

 Il n’est PAS facile de s’adapter à l’une de ces sociétés, à moins que vous ne veniez d’une société ou d’un pays similaire.

 En Allemagne, vous ne pourrez pas participer à la vie quotidienne, nouer des amitiés significatives ou simplement profiter de tous les programmes - si vous n'apprenez pas l'allemand.  Et pour beaucoup, cette partie est difficile.  Il y a beaucoup d’emplois à l’heure actuelle, mais en moyenne, ils sont bien moins payés qu’ailleurs en Europe, par rapport à ce que coûtent les choses.  Et en tant qu'immigrant, vous constaterez souvent que votre éducation n'est pas pleinement reconnue et vous finirez par faire un travail subalterne, à moins d'être transféré en tant qu'expatrié.

 La Suède est très organisée, peut-être trop pour de nombreux étrangers.  Un tel projet de vie « tout inclus » est au mieux étouffant ou au pire déprimant pour de nombreux immigrants habitués à plus de liberté personnelle.  Pour de nombreuses personnes originaires d’endroits plus au sud, l’hiver entre septembre et mars est une période intimidante.  Il semble également qu’il n’y ait pas grand-chose à faire.

 La Suisse fait également partie de ces sociétés qui se contentent de règles.  Cela peut être assez oppressant au début.  Jusqu'à ce que vous découvriez que la société a un certain nombre de règles supplémentaires, quoique non écrites, que vous êtes également censé suivre.  Les emplois sont nombreux, souvent intéressants et très bien payés.  Jusqu'à ce que vous découvriez que vous devez payer des impôts sur ce salaire et que vous devez obtenir vous-même une couverture maladie qui ne couvre généralement pas les soins dentaires.  Ici aussi, il est attendu que vous appreniez la langue utilisée dans votre coin.  Allemand, français ou italien, peut-être romanche, si vous travaillez comme concierge d'hôtel à Saint-Moritz.  Ensuite, vous découvrez que personne en Suisse ne parle vraiment l'allemand pour lequel vous avez payé cher pour apprendre.  Les dialectes suisses allemands sonnent très différemment !  Ensuite, vous constaterez peut-être que beaucoup de gens ici ne sont pas du genre extravertis, prennent le temps de se familiariser avec vous et il semble que vous ayez presque besoin de leur donner de l'argent pour les faire sourire.  Cette grogne et cette hostilité apparente ne sont pas du racisme, c'est notre visage normal de salope au repos, à la suisse, spécialement un lundi matin par une sombre journée de novembre à 8h20.

 Pourquoi exactement à cette époque ?  Eh bien oui, nous, les Suisses, sommes toujours à l'heure et nous attendons de vous que vous le fassiez également.  Et si vous regardez le cadran d’une montre suisse analogique à cette époque, vous voyez le visage standard de nombreux Suisses, fabriqué par les aiguilles de la montre.  C'est ce qu'on appelle parfois même un museau de 8h20.

 Mais du point de vue météorologique, la Suisse est le meilleur choix des trois.  De nos jours, nous avons un véritable été ici et les hivers sont assez doux et courts à basse altitude.

Swedish: Är det bättre att bo i Tyskland, Schweiz eller Sverige?

 Ingen av de tre – om du tror att det blir lätt.

 Det är INTE lätt att anpassa sig till något av dessa samhällen, om du inte kommer från ett liknande samhälle eller ett liknande land.

 I Tyskland kommer du inte att kunna delta i det dagliga livet, få meningsfulla vänskaper eller bara dra nytta av alla program – om du inte lär dig tyska.  Och för många är den biten svår.  Det finns gott om jobb just nu, men i genomsnitt betalar de mycket mindre än på andra håll i Europa, jämfört med vad saker kostar.  Och som invandrare kommer du ofta att upptäcka att din utbildning inte är fullt erkänd och att du kommer att sluta göra undermåligt arbete, om du inte blir förflyttad som expat.

 Sverige är väldigt organiserat, kanske för mycket för många utlänningar.  En sådan "all inclusive" livsplan är i bästa fall kvävande eller deprimerande i värsta fall för många invandrare som är vana vid mer personlig frihet.  För många människor från sydligare platser är vintern mellan september och mars en skrämmande tid.  Det verkar också som att det inte finns så mycket att göra.

 Schweiz är också ett av dessa regelglada samhällen.  Detta kan vara ganska förtryckande till en början.  Tills du får reda på att samhället har ett gäng ytterligare, om än oskrivna regler i kraft som du förväntas följa också.  Det finns gott om jobb, ofta intressanta och mycket välbetalda.  Tills du får reda på att du måste betala skatt av den lönen, och du behöver få en sjukförsäkring på egen hand som vanligtvis inte täcker tandvård.  Även här förväntas det att du lär dig språket som används i ditt hörn.  tyska, franska eller italienska, kanske romanska, om du råkar arbeta som hotellkoncierge i St Moritz.  Sedan får du reda på att ingen i Schweiz verkligen talar den tyska du har betalat en bunt för att lära dig.  Schweiziska tyska dialekter låter väldigt olika!  Då kanske du upptäcker att många människor här inte är av den utåtriktade sorten, tar sig tid att värma upp dig och det verkar som att du nästan behöver ge dem lite pengar för att få dem att le.  Denna vresiga och skenbara fientlighet är inte rasism, det är vårt normala vilande tikansikte, schweizisk stil, speciellt på en måndagsmorgon en dyster novemberdag klockan 8:20.

 Varför just den tiden?  Jo, ja, vi schweiziska är alltid i tid och förväntar oss att du också gör det.  Och om du tittar på ansiktet på en analog schweizisk klocka på den tiden ser du standardansikten för många schweiziska, gjorda av klockans händer.  Det kallas ibland till och med en 8:20 nos.

 Men vädermässigt är Schweiz det bästa valet av de tre.  Vi får en riktig sommar här nuförtiden och vintrarna är ganska milda och korta på de lägre höjderna.

●Here is an important point - I am from Germany (have also lived in Sweden for a while) and have met quite a few immigrants that are not so happy with their situation here because they didn’t expect it to be so hard to adapt. Especially people from emerging or developing countries often tend to think that if only they move to a country with higher living standards, all their worries will be gone - no, they won't, you'll just have different types of problems than at home, including the language and cultural barrier. Most people find it difficult to adapt and it takes them several years - it takes a lot of passion and will to build a new life abroad and adapt, therefore I wouldn't recommend moving there only for the money/welfare system/economy; this motivation will not be enough to keep your spirit up during these hard first years! I recommend you research about the cultures, traditions and history and then move to a country you truly find interesting/whose culture you find fascinating. A higher living standard alone will likely not make you happy, so if that is your primary motive for moving - don't. Not to Sweden, not to Germany, not to Switzerland, in fact not to any country on this planet if you actually don't like its traditions, culture and people. 

Swedish: ●Här är en viktig poäng – jag kommer från Tyskland (har också bott i Sverige ett tag) och har träffat en hel del invandrare som inte är så nöjda med sin situation här eftersom de inte förväntade sig att det skulle vara så svårt att anpassa sig  .  Särskilt människor från tillväxt- eller utvecklingsländer tenderar ofta att tro att bara de flyttar till ett land med högre levnadsstandard, kommer alla deras bekymmer att försvinna - nej, det kommer de inte, du kommer bara att ha andra typer av problem än hemma  , inklusive språk- och kulturbarriären.  De flesta har svårt att anpassa sig och det tar flera år – det krävs mycket passion och vilja att bygga ett nytt liv utomlands och anpassa sig, därför skulle jag inte rekommendera att flytta dit bara för pengarna/välfärdssystemet/ekonomin;  denna motivation kommer inte att räcka för att hålla humöret uppe under dessa svåra första år!  Jag rekommenderar dig att undersöka om kulturer, traditioner och historia och sedan flytta till ett land du verkligen tycker är intressant/vars kultur du tycker är fascinerande.  Enbart en högre levnadsstandard kommer sannolikt inte att göra dig lycklig, så om det är ditt primära motiv för att flytta – gör det inte.  Inte till Sverige, inte till Tyskland, inte till Schweiz, faktiskt inte till något land på denna planet om man faktiskt inte gillar dess traditioner, kultur och människor.

●这里有一个重点——我来自德国(也曾在瑞典生活过一段时间),我遇到过不少对这里的处境不太满意的移民,因为他们没想到适应起来会这么难。尤其是来自新兴国家或发展中国家的人,他们往往认为只要搬到一个生活水平更高的国家,所有的烦恼就都消失了——不,不会的,你只会遇到与在家里不同的问题,包括语言和文化障碍。大多数人发现很难适应,而且需要几年的时间——在国外建立新生活并适应需要很大的热情和意志,因此我不建议仅仅为了钱/福利制度/经济而搬到那里;这种动机不足以让你在艰难的头几年保持精神振奋!我建议你研究一下当地的文化、传统和历史,然后搬到一个你真正感兴趣/文化迷人的国家。单靠更高的生活水平可能不会让你快乐,所以如果这是你搬家的主要动机——就不要搬了。 不要去瑞典,不要去德国,不要去瑞士,事实上,如果你实际上不喜欢这个星球上的任何国家的传统、文化和人民,就不要去这个国家。

French: ●Voici un point important : je viens d'Allemagne (j'ai également vécu en Suède pendant un certain temps) et j'ai rencontré pas mal d'immigrants qui ne sont pas très satisfaits de leur situation ici parce qu'ils ne s'attendaient pas à ce que ce soit si difficile de s'adapter.  .  En particulier, les habitants des pays émergents ou en développement ont souvent tendance à penser que s'ils déménageaient dans un pays où le niveau de vie est plus élevé, tous leurs soucis disparaîtraient - non, ils ne le feront pas, vous aurez simplement des problèmes différents de ceux de votre pays.  , y compris la barrière linguistique et culturelle.  La plupart des gens ont du mal à s'adapter et cela leur prend plusieurs années - il faut beaucoup de passion et de volonté pour construire une nouvelle vie à l'étranger et s'adapter, donc je ne recommanderais pas de s'y installer uniquement pour l'argent/le système de protection sociale/l'économie ;  cette motivation ne suffira pas à garder le moral durant ces dures premières années !  Je vous recommande de faire des recherches sur les cultures, les traditions et l'histoire, puis de déménager dans un pays que vous trouvez vraiment intéressant/dont la culture vous fascine.  Un niveau de vie plus élevé ne vous rendra probablement pas heureux à lui seul, alors si c'est votre principale raison de déménager, ne le faites pas.  Ni en Suède, ni en Allemagne, ni en Suisse, ni en fait dans aucun pays de la planète si vous n'aimez pas ses traditions, sa culture et ses habitants.

German: ●Hier ist ein wichtiger Punkt – ich komme aus Deutschland (habe auch eine Zeit lang in Schweden gelebt) und habe einige Einwanderer getroffen, die mit ihrer Situation hier nicht so glücklich sind, weil sie nicht erwartet hatten, dass die Anpassung so schwer sein würde. Besonders Menschen aus Schwellen- oder Entwicklungsländern neigen häufig dazu zu denken, dass alle ihre Sorgen verschwunden wären, wenn sie nur in ein Land mit höherem Lebensstandard ziehen würden – nein, werden sie nicht, Sie werden bloß andere Probleme haben als zu Hause, einschließlich der Sprach- und Kulturbarriere. Die meisten Menschen tun sich schwer mit der Anpassung und brauchen mehrere Jahre – es erfordert viel Leidenschaft und Willen, sich im Ausland ein neues Leben aufzubauen und sich anzupassen, daher würde ich nicht empfehlen, nur des Geldes/des Sozialsystems/der Wirtschaft wegen dorthin zu ziehen; diese Motivation wird nicht ausreichen, um Sie in diesen harten ersten Jahren bei Laune zu halten! Ich empfehle Ihnen, sich über die Kulturen, Traditionen und Geschichte zu informieren und dann in ein Land zu ziehen, das Sie wirklich interessant finden/dessen Kultur Sie faszinierend finden. Ein höherer Lebensstandard allein wird Sie wahrscheinlich nicht glücklich machen, also wenn das Ihr Hauptmotiv für den Umzug ist, dann tun Sie es nicht. Nicht nach Schweden, nicht nach Deutschland, nicht in die Schweiz, eigentlich in kein anderes Land dieser Erde, wenn Ihnen dessen Traditionen, Kultur und Menschen nicht gefallen.

English: Yes, you said it. I lived in Germany for two years as an English instructor at a couple of private schools. This was an easy route. However, I also had a BA in International Studies (focus on Germany), immersion school experience of a number of months, German friends I made eventually through teaching, plus a Masters in Education which got me the job. So I had invested much to make this work. This was not like being on a vacation. This was like wherever you live and work in the USA, only constantly challenging. Densely packed with people all moving fast, societal rules, different personal space distances. I liked it because I committed myself to like it.

Funny story with my German friends. Because I was also still deepening my German while I was there. Friend says to me after many months, “listen to these two sentences. Tell me which you think is correct." So I tell her and she says, “Oh no... You’re not learning Hochdeutsch, you’re learning Schwäbisch!!

German: Ja, das hast du gesagt. Ich habe zwei Jahre in Deutschland gelebt und an einigen Privatschulen Englisch unterrichtet. Das war ein einfacher Weg. Ich hatte aber auch einen BA in Internationalen Studien (mit Schwerpunkt Deutschland), mehrere Monate Erfahrung in Immersionsschulen, deutsche Freunde, die ich schließlich durch meine Lehrtätigkeit gefunden hatte, und einen Master in Pädagogik, der mir den Job verschaffte. Ich hatte also viel investiert, damit das funktionierte. Das war nicht wie Urlaub. Es war wie überall in den USA, wo man lebt und arbeitet, nur ständig herausfordernd. Dicht gedrängt mit Menschen, die sich alle schnell bewegten, gesellschaftlichen Regeln, unterschiedlichen persönlichen Distanzen. Es hat mir gefallen, weil ich mir vorgenommen hatte, es zu mögen.

Lustige Geschichte mit meinen deutschen Freunden. Denn ich habe auch noch mein Deutsch vertieft, während ich dort war. Eine Freundin sagt nach vielen Monaten zu mir: „Hör dir diese beiden Sätze an. Sag mir, welcher deiner Meinung nach richtig ist.“ Also erzähle ich es ihr und sie sagt: „Oh nein ... du lernst kein Hochdeutsch, du lernst Schwäbisch!!


和我的德国朋友有一个有趣的故事。因为我在那里的时候还在深化我的德语。几个月后,朋友对我说:“听听这两句话。告诉我你认为哪一句话是正确的。”所以我告诉她,她说:“哦不……你不是在学习 Hochdeutsch,你是在学习 Schwäbisch!!

French: Oui, tu l'as dit.  J'ai vécu deux ans en Allemagne en tant que professeur d'anglais dans quelques écoles privées.  C'était un itinéraire facile.  Cependant, j'avais également un baccalauréat en études internationales (axé sur l'Allemagne), une expérience en école d'immersion de plusieurs mois, des amis allemands que je me suis finalement fait grâce à l'enseignement, ainsi qu'un master en éducation qui m'a permis d'obtenir ce poste.  J’avais donc beaucoup investi pour que cela fonctionne.  Ce n’était pas comme être en vacances.  C'était comme partout où vous vivez et travaillez aux États-Unis, mais c'est constamment un défi.  Densément rempli de gens se déplaçant tous rapidement, de règles sociétales, de différentes distances d'espace personnel.  Je l'ai aimé parce que je me suis engagé à l'aimer.

 Histoire drôle avec mes amis allemands.  Parce que j'étais aussi en train d'approfondir mon allemand pendant que j'étais là-bas.  Un ami me dit après plusieurs mois : « écoute ces deux phrases.  Dites-moi ce qui vous semble correct. » Alors je lui dis et elle dit : « Oh non... Vous n'apprenez pas le Hochdeutsch, vous apprenez le Schwäbisch !!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) IN SINGAPORE 🇸🇬 😄 👌

 Employees in Singapore can look forward to having more control over their work schedules and locations under new tripartite guidelines.


The new guidelines, announced on Monday, 15 April, by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), will come into effect starting 1 December this year, 2024, reported Bloomberg.

TAFEP is an agency set up by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower, the National Trades Union Congress, and the Singapore National Employers Federation. While the guidelines are not legally enforceable, they do require all firms in Singapore to establish a formal process for employees to request flexible work arrangements.

Below is a breakdown of the new flexible work arrangements (FWAs):

Workers will have the right to formally request four-day work weeks, more work-from-home (WFH) days, and staggered work timings

Additionally, they can also ask for flexible work locations.

According to Yeo Wan Ling, the co-chair of the Tripartite Workgroup, access to flexible work arrangements is often the main consideration for caregivers, women workers, and senior workers.

How will it work?

All firms in Singapore are required to establish a process for employees to submit FWA requests.

While companies can reject requests, they cannot do so on the basis that it runs counter to a firm’s traditions or that management simply doesn't believe in such flexible work styles, according to TAFEP guidelines.

Employers can reject FWA requests only for specific reasons, such as:

- FWA will significantly worsen productivity

- FWA will significantly increase costs

- FWA is not feasible due to the nature of the work

Employers cannot reject requests based on:

- Company tradition to not have FWAs

- The management does not believe in FWAs

- Bosses or supervisors preferring to have direct sight of the employee in the office

If an employer is uncooperative or wilfully refuses to comply with the new guidelines, the Ministry of Manpower may issue a warning and require the employer to attend corrective workshops, reported TODAY.

What's the reason behind these new guidelines?

Firstly, Singapore's move aligns with a global trend towards more flexible work options, with governments requiring businesses to consider flexible work requests.

It may also benefit businesses by attracting talent more quickly and increasing revenue.

But most importantly, it addresses Singapore's specific challenges, such as a tight labour market, an ageing workforce, and the need to empower a diverse workforce, reported CNA.

Additionally, Minister of State for Manpower Gan Siow Huang emphasised that flexible work arrangements are crucial for Singapore's future economic strength.

"I feel that it's not a choice that we can make. If we want to have a strong labour force in Singapore, we want to be able to empower adults in Singapore who want to work to be able to work, flexible work arrangements have to be the way to go," said Gan, who is also the Minister of State for Education.

Meanwhile, as part of its plan to increase the retirement age to 65 by 2030, the Singapore government recently announced that it will raise its retirement and re-employment age by one year in 2026:

Soon, Employees In Singapore Can Work An Extra Year Before They Retire

The country is raising its retirement and re-employment age in 2026.

As part of its plan to increase the retirement age to 65 by 2030, the Singapore government has announced that it will raise its retirement and re-employment age by one year in 2026

With the one year raised, the retirement and re-employment age will be 64 and 69 in 2026. Following which, there will be another raise in the age bracket in 2030.

"This will bring us another step closer to our eventual goal of setting retirement and re-employment ages at 65 and 70 respectively by 2030," Singapore's Minister of State for Manpower Gan Siow Huang was quoted as saying.

According to the minister, due to the slow workforce growth and the ageing population evident in Singapore, the government wants to ensure that all employees, particularly senior workers, "contribute as much as they are able to, for as long as they wish".

Singapore's current retirement and re-employment age of 63 and 68 were raised in 2022. Prior to this, the minimum retirement age was 62.

"To ensure that the next increase is implemented just as smoothly, I encourage employers to start planning early. Some will need to adjust their manpower and upskilling plans to retain their senior workers," the minister said.

"This is why we are taking a stepped approach and announcing the increase early. Come 2026, employers who have prepared well will be better placed to tap on their senior workforce to meet their business needs."

On the other hand, Malaysians are facing a potential retirement crisis due to insufficient savings in the EPF:

Malaysians are facing a potential crisis in their retirement savings, primarily due to two main factors: insufficient savings in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and taking money out of the pension fund during the COVID-19 pandemic

In a report by Singapore news outlet CNA, EPF chief strategy officer Nurhisham Hussein said that there are EPF contributors who fall into poverty at retirement or even before retirement because they don't have the capacity to continue generating the kind of income they need.

Between 2020 and 2022, it is reported that 8.1 million Malaysians withdrew a collective total of RM145 billion from their EPF savings through special EPF withdrawal schemes such as i-Lestari, i-Sinar, and i-Citra.

According to CNA, EPF's calculations last year showed that less than 5% of Malaysians can afford to retire

30% of EPF contributors have emptied their savings in Account 1 (which is reserved until they turn 55), and more than half of EPF members aged below 55 have less than RM10,000 in their pension fund.

For those who took out their savings from their EPF accounts during the pandemic, it isn't just a case of depleted funds. EPF's dividend rate has been an average of 6% annually since 2011, so early withdrawals have also resulted in lost opportunity cost, as contributors lose out on the interest their accounts may potentially earn, making the financially vulnerable even poorer.


Over Half Of EPF Members Aged 50 To 54 Have Less Than RM50,000 In Their Retirement Funds

This has been described as a 'ticking time bomb' for our ageing nation.

 By Celine Low — 30 Oct 2023, 03:12 PM



Cover image via Asyraf Hamzah/NSTP

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Malaysians are facing a potential crisis in their retirement savings, primarily due to two main factors: insufficient savings in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and taking money out of the pension fund during the COVID-19 pandemic

In a report by Singapore news outlet CNA, EPF chief strategy officer Nurhisham Hussein said that there are EPF contributors who fall into poverty at retirement or even before retirement because they don't have the capacity to continue generating the kind of income they need.

Between 2020 and 2022, it is reported that 8.1 million Malaysians withdrew a collective total of RM145 billion from their EPF savings through special EPF withdrawal schemes such as i-Lestari, i-Sinar, and i-Citra.

Image via New Straits Times

According to CNA, EPF's calculations last year showed that less than 5% of Malaysians can afford to retire

30% of EPF contributors have emptied their savings in Account 1 (which is reserved until they turn 55), and more than half of EPF members aged below 55 have less than RM10,000 in their pension fund.

For those who took out their savings from their EPF accounts during the pandemic, it isn't just a case of depleted funds. EPF's dividend rate has been an average of 6% annually since 2011, so early withdrawals have also resulted in lost opportunity cost, as contributors lose out on the interest their accounts may potentially earn, making the financially vulnerable even poorer.

Early EPF withdrawals have been criticised by economists and researchers, calling it "disastrous", "irresponsible", and the "worst policy ever" to be implemented in the country

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government led by then prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made it easier for Malaysians facing financial constraints to withdraw money from their pension fund.

The government allocated more than RM530 billion for eight economic stimulus and aid packages in 2020 and 2021. But as the pandemic went on, government resources ran low.

Many Malaysians had to resort to forking out their own money from their EPF savings to look after themselves during the lockdowns.

In a written reply to Al Jazeera, EPF said that the uptick in withdrawals would have long-term effects on contributors' ability to retire comfortably.

EPF had set a basic savings target of RM240,000 by the age of 55, which would allow retirees to spend RM1,000 a month on basic necessities for 20 years, in line with the Malaysian life expectancy

But, saving for retirement is still an uphill task. A survey by fund management company StashAway Malaysia, cited in FMT, shows that 45% of Malaysians will not even have RM100,000 in savings upon retirement.

Meanwhile, more than half of EPF members aged 50 to 54 have less than RM50,000 saved up in their retirement fund, meaning that they would have less than RM208 per month to use in the next 20 years after they retire.

The next generation will have to shoulder the burden if large numbers of Malaysians retire without sufficient savings

According to CodeBlue, Malaysia will be an ageing nation by 2030 when people of the age of 60 and above surpasses 15% of the total population.

Though there isn't one true solution for this pressing issue, Nurhisham suggests that increasing the current retirement age of 60 years old and increasing employment among senior citizens could boost savings levels.

Hiking up the retirement age does have its limits, according to Malaysia University of Science and Technology economist Geoffrey Williams, as those aged 40 and above would have "little time left to work" to save a minimum RM600,000 — an amount stated by EPF — which would be required to retire decently in Kuala Lumpur.

Nurhisham has said that there is a chance to "reform" within the next 10 to 20 years, as the public is receptive about the importance of saving up for retirement.

"People do realise the importance of it. It's just whether they have the capacity for it," he said.

Here's an expenditure guide providing estimated minimum expenses for various types of households:

June 2023; EPF Says A Single Person Needs RM1,930 A Month To Survive In Klang Valley, Malaysia 🇲🇾 

The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has released Belanjawanku, an expenditure guide providing estimated minimum expenses for various types of households in Malaysia

Belanjawanku was developed to help Malaysians with personal budgeting based on actual spending patterns by urban households.

The guide looks at the expenditures for individuals and families in Klang Valley and eleven other cities, including Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Terengganu, Alor Setar, Kuching, Kuantan, Kota Bharu, Georgetown, Ipoh, Seremban, and Bandar Melaka.

It was made in collaboration with Universiti Malaya's Social Wellbeing Research Centre.

The guide details out minimum expenses by household category and provides recommendations on expenses allocation for necessities, savings, and optional spending for each city

The guide estimates that the minimum monthly expenditure is the highest in Klang Valley, while the lowest is in Alor Setar.

According to Belanjawanku, an unmarried person who uses public transport to commute in Klang Valley would need a monthly budget of RM1,930.

A single person who owns a car in Klang Valley has to fork out RM2,600 a month for a reasonable standard of living.

Meanwhile, married couples with one child living in Klang Valley need at least RM5,980 per month

Married couples with no children will need RM4,630, while those with two children will need RM6,890 a month.

A senior citizen living alone in Klang Valley would need an estimate budget of RM2,520 a month.

"I've Saved RM1.24 Million" — M'sian Shares Difficulties Of Working In SG For 20 Years.

How would you spend your money?

 02 Feb 2024

A Malaysian man recently took to a Facebook group to share the challenges he encountered after working in Singapore for over two decades.

According to mStar, the 42-year-old man said he began working as an engineer in Singapore in 2003.

During his tenure in the country, he disclosed that he successfully accumulated SGD354,258 (RM1.24 million) in his Central Provident Fund (CPF) account.

CPF serves as a social security and retirement savings scheme for employees in Singapore, similar to Malaysia's Employees Provident Fund (EPF).

"If your CPF has accumulated to this extent, what should you do? I'm still contemplating what to do with this money because I'm no longer able to work in Singapore and commute daily.

"It's hard to quit my job, considering of my current position as an engineer with a monthly salary of SGD5,000 (RM17,618). When I saw the total amount [in my CPF account], I felt like withdrawing it and enjoying the fruits of my labour," he said.

After dealing with challenges in Singapore, he now faces a new dilemma in retirement back in Malaysia

In the comments section, the man also expressed concern about his future upon returning to Malaysia, having spent his formative years working at a factory in Singapore.

"The original plan was to work until the age of 55, but when I got promoted, I felt stressed with the increased workload. That's when I realised I needed to explore other options before chronic illness sets in," he said.

He added that he does not intend to use his CPF funds for property investment due to the high capital requirements and his inability to manage them.

Seeking insights and suggestions, he turned to the Facebook group for guidance on his next chapter in Malaysia, as he doesn't have a wife to turn to, and his parents asked him to figure out his future on his own.

Netizens gave the man various pieces of advice in the comments section.

Most of the Facebook group members suggested looking into business and real estate investing, while others emphasised the significance of taking a break and rediscovering happiness after years of hard work.

"You should invest in the afterlife. Seek happiness, and get closer to God. Go do some 'healing' activities and enjoy God's creation while serving those in need," commented one user.

Others suggested the man to contemplate marriage, with some users even expressing interest in becoming potential life partners.

"Get married, brother, it's time to settle down," wrote one user.

"You're not married yet? Well, I don't need a dowry. In fact, the wedding doesn't have to be extravagant, I'll just follow your lead. As long as you're not tired of searching for love, it will come on its own," commented another.

Meanwhile, a former university lecturer from Malaysia shared that he earns five times more working as a cleaner in Singapore:

Last year, employees at 61 companies took part in the world's largest four-day work weeks trial, which yielded positive results:

Study Finds That Employees Are Less Likely To Quit When Given A 4-Day Work Week

What will you do with an extra day off every week? Play music? Spend time with friends? Do yoga? Paint? Cook? Swim? Visit out-of-town family members? Volunteer at animal shelters? Pick up a new hobby? The possibilities are endless.

"What will you do with an extra day off every week?"

It's the question that thousands of employees at 61 companies that took part in the world's largest four-day work week trial will now have to ponder over after the study found overwhelmingly positive results.

Of the 61 companies in the UK, 56 (92%) said that they will be continuing with the four-day week, with 18 of them confirming that the policy is now a permanent change, in a big win for a better work-life balance.

The study was organised by an advocacy group called 4 Day Week Global, in collaboration with the research group Autonomy, and researchers at Boston College and the University of Cambridge.

Around 2,900 employees took part in the UK-based study, held from June to December 2022, covering different sectors, ranging from non-profits, manufacturers, and finance firms to even fish-and-chip shops.

As per the results of the study released on Tuesday, 21 February, some of the most extensive benefits of shorter working hours were found in the overall improvement in the well-being of the employees.

The majority of the companies agreed that productivity did not suffer and revenues rose 35% on average compared to previous years

"Staff is getting more work done in less time," said Citizens Advice Gateshead chief operating officer Paul Oliver, adding that job retention and recruitment improved while sickness levels went down.

"Before and after" data showed that 39% of employees were less stressed, and 71% had reduced levels of burnout at the end of the six-month trial. Likewise, levels of anxiety, fatigue, and sleep issues decreased.

Employees were also much less likely to quit their jobs as a result of the four-day week policy.

Data also showed positive effects of a four-day week were worth more than their weight in money. 15% of employees said no amount of money would convince them to return to the traditional 5-day work week.

"This is a major breakthrough moment for the movement towards a four-day working week," Joe Ryle, director of the 4 Day Week Campaign, said in a statement to Reuters yesterday.

The study also found that employees experienced an increase in life satisfaction, with men spending much more time with their children

According to the authors of the study, with more free time available, men spent greater time in housework or childcare, thereby narrowing the well-documented gender gap in unpaid domestic and care work.

In the trial, the time men spent looking after children increased by more than double that of women (27% to 13%), but the share of housework between these two genders stayed almost exactly the same.

In general, the employees had an excellent experience with the four-day week trial.

From 0 (very bad) to 10 (very good), the average score was 9.04, the trial found.

When asked whether they would want to continue with the four-day week trial, 90% replied "Yes/Definitely want to continue", with only five people (0.43%) saying that they "somewhat do not want to continue".

However, no one reported that they "definitely do not want to continue".

"It feels like you're easing yourself into the weekend..."

The trial showed that it had significant impacts on people's lives, both inside and outside of work.

While most reported being able to spend more time on the activities they already enjoyed, the four-day work week also allowed some employees to take up entirely new activities, such as using their fifth day to undertake professional qualifications and take day trips with grandparents.

For many, being able to complete essential tasks such as grocery shopping, attending medical appointments, doing household repairs, or cleaning on their fifth day enabled the weekend to become free for genuine leisure and self-initiated activities, as opposed to running errands.

"It feels like you're easing yourself into the weekend... By the time Saturday and Sunday comes, it feels like I've done my [chores]... Whatever it is," said a senior manager of a care services provider.

In conclusion, the trial found that an extra day off every week offers a greater work-life balance for staff, at no additional cost to companies

Companies expressed that they are extremely pleased with employee performance and productivity. It has been a similar case for employees themselves too, the authors of the study noted.

Shorter working hours left employees less stressed and burned out, and it improved their mental and physical health. As a result of the four-day week, many reported that their life satisfaction improved.

The authors also noted that the overwhelmingly positive results from the UK trial, therefore, made it clear that the four-day work week is ready to take the next step from experimentation to implementation.

You can't change things without things changing. — A sales and operations employee

"Not Happy, Don't Come To Work" — Boss In China Gives Employees 10 Days 'Unhappy Leave'

"Everyone has times when they're not happy," said supermarket chain founder, Yu Donglai.

A business owner in China has introduced "unhappy leave" for his company's employees in a bid to help them achieve work-life balance

"I want every staff member to have freedom. Everyone has times when they're not happy, so if you're not happy, do not come to work," said Yu Donglai, the founder and chairman of supermarket chain Pangdonglai in Henan province.

According to SCMP, at the 2024 China Supermarket Week forum in late March, Yu announced that his employees would be eligible to request up to 10 days of extra leave at their discretion.

The leave days are in addition to the employees' existing 30 days of annual leave at the company.

"This leave cannot be denied by management. Denial is a violation," he added, expressing hope that his employees could experience freedom in determining the amount of rest time they need.

The retail tycoon is known for introducing company benefits that prioritises employees' interests and wellbeing

Among the benefits Pangdonglai employees are entitled to include seven-hour work days, no work calls after office hours and on weekends, and an added five days off during Chinese New Year.

Last year, Yu also publicly condemned other bosses in China that pushed for long working hours.

"Making staff work overtime is unethical and an expropriation of other people's opportunities for growth," he said.

Personal note from Benson Soong Sze Voon

Hi Everyone, we’ve found a farewell note left behind by our beloved brother/uncle Benson. This will be published in the Straits Times tomorrow in the obituary section. Your continued prayers for Benson are greatly appreciated🙏

To My Dearly Beloved Family and Friends,

As you read this personal note of mine, I am already on my way to enjoying paradise to every corner of the world with my predeceased Beloved Father and Sibling whom I have prior informed in my dreams to reserve a place for me to be with them again.

My profuse apologies for saying goodbye to you all without notice!

Just remember that if you should ever think of me, just say a prayer and remember the good times that we used to share, and you can be rest assured that your thoughts shall be gratefully received!

I have been through many of life's challenges in these 66 years on this earth and I must say overall, GOD had been exceptionally kind to meand had provided me with a good life and I shall embark on my next journey with no regret. Besides GOD, the ups and downs had been made much easier and more colourful because of your friendship, kindness and support throughout my life. Heaven and my Beloved Family and Friends had indeed blessed me abundantly with the many good things given to me and which I gratefully received. Reflecting on all these as I near the end of this phase of my journey, I am extremely fulfilled.

Please allow me to express my heartfelt appreciation and gratefulness to each and every one of you. I wish you all the best of happiness and good health.

Farewell, my dearest family and friends!

Yours truly,

Benson Soong Sze Voon.  

(Date of demise: 17/03/2024) 






在这 66 年的人生中,我经历了许多人生的挑战,我必须说,总的来说,上帝对我格外仁慈,给了我美好的生活,我将毫无遗憾地踏上我的下一段旅程。 除了上帝之外,由于你们的友谊、善良和支持,我一生的起起落落都变得更加轻松和丰富多彩。天堂和我挚爱的家人和朋友确实给了我很多美好的事物,我感激地接受了。当我接近旅程的这一阶段结束时,回想起这一切,我感到非常满足。




Benson Soong Sze Voon。

(逝世日期:2024 年 3 月 17 日)

Dàjiā hǎo, wǒmen fāxiànle wǒmen qīn'ài de xiōngdì/shūshu běn sēn liú xià de gàobié xìn. Míngtiān, zhè fēng xìn jiàng zài “hǎixiá shíbào” de fùgào lán zhōng kāndēng. Fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐmen jìxù wéi běn sēn qídǎo 🙏

zhì wǒ qīn'ài de jiārén hé péngyǒu,

dāng nǐ dú dào wǒ de zhè fēng sīrén xìn shí, wǒ yǐjīng hé wǒ yǐ gù de qīn'ài de fùqīn hé xiōngdì yīqǐ qù shìjiè de měi gè jiǎoluò xiǎngshòu tiāntángle, wǒ céng zài mèng zhōng gàosù tāmen, yào wèi wǒ liú yīgè dìfāng ràng wǒ zàicì hé tāmen zài yīqǐ.

Duìyú méiyǒu tōngzhī jiù xiàng nǐmen suǒyǒu rén shuō zàijiàn, wǒ shēn biǎo qiànyì!

Zhǐyào jì zhù, rúguǒ nǐ xiǎngdào wǒ, zhǐyào qídǎo, jì zhù wǒmen céngjīng yīqǐ dùguò dì měihǎo shíguāng, nǐ jiù kěyǐ fàngxīn, nǐ de xiǎngfǎ jiāng bèi gǎnjī de jiēshòu!

Zài zhè 66 nián de rénshēng zhōng, wǒ jīnglìle xǔduō rénshēng de tiǎozhàn, wǒ bìxū shuō, zǒng de lái shuō, shàngdì duì wǒ géwài réncí, gěile wǒ měihǎo de shēnghuó, wǒ jiāng háo wú yíhàn dì tà shàng wǒ de xià yīduàn lǚchéng. Chúle shàngdì zhī wài, yóuyú nǐmen de yǒuyì, shànliáng hé zhīchí, wǒ yīshēng de qǐ qǐ luòluò dōu biàn dé gèngjiā qīngsōng hé fēngfù duōcǎi. Tiāntáng hé wǒ zhì'ài de jiārén hé péngyǒu quèshí gěile wǒ hěnduō měihǎo de shìwù, wǒ gǎnjī de jiēshòule. Dāng wǒ jiējìn lǚchéng de zhè yī jiēduàn jiéshù shí, huíxiǎng qǐ zhè yīqiè, wǒ gǎndào fēicháng mǎnzú.

Qǐng yǔnxǔ wǒ xiàng nǐmen měi yīgè rén biǎodá wǒ zhōngxīn de gǎnxiè hé gǎnjī. Zhù nǐmen xìngfú ānkāng.

Zàijiàn, wǒ zuì qīn'ài de jiārén hé péngyǒu!


Benson Soong Sze Voon.

(Shìshì rìqí:2024 Nián 3 yuè 17 rì)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Woman wrote a letter at the nursing home

 I am 82 years old, I have 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and a room of 12 square meters.

I no longer have a home or expensive things, but I have someone who will clean my room, prepare food and bedding, measure my pressures and weigh me.

I no longer have the laughter of my grandchildren, I don't see them growing, hugging and arguing. Some come to me every 15 days, some every three or four months, and some never.

I no longer work in the winter, I don't bake cakes, I don't dig up the garden. I still have hobbies and I like to read, but my eyes quickly hurt.

I don’t know how much longer, but I have to get used to this loneliness. Here at home, I lead group work and help those who are worse than me as much as I can. Until recently, I read aloud to an immobile woman in the room next to me, we used to sing together, but she died the other day.

They say life is getting longer. Why? When I’m alone, I can look at photos of my family and memories I brought from home. And that's all.

I hope that the next generations will understand that families are born to have a future (with children) and that they do not forget about the family even in old age.

Please don't show this to my children.

Grandma Maria loves you.

1. Sending you Love & Light✨

Thank You for sharing your feelings💜

Am sure many young people will absorb & think about the brave elders in their families.

My beloved Mother told me before she passed

“how we treat the old, is how we will be treated”

Western society & its norms. has a lot to answer for. Keep sharing Your feelings please, for humanity 💐🌸🌿xx

2. it’s very true “how we treat the old we will be treated one day” the western culture is cruel to the elders. In the Asian culture, it’s more common that the older live with the family. Unfortunately, I have seen that more and more Asians get westernized and also use the nursing home and senior living facilities more frequently.

3. Personal transformation is about becoming the best version of yourself. Discover how to take your first step toward unlocking your greatest potential.

What Is Personal Transformation?

Shadow work, cultivating non-attachment, practicing mindfulness, learning new skills… personal transformation can seem utterly daunting. Changing your habits of being and doing is easier said than done.

However, once you try it, there’s a likelihood that you’ll keep going—because you’re designed to grow, evolve, and transform. 

On a cellular level, we are all constantly undergoing natural evolutionary changes without being aware of them. It is also possible for us to transform spontaneously. However, the most powerful and profound transformation comes from within. 

What Is Personal Transformation?

A personal transformation occurs when you change your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs to expand your consciousness and live a more fulfilling life. As part of the process, you take a closer look at everything you perceive as yourself and alter aspects you no longer need. 

In short, it’s a unique journey of self-discovery and personal growth you intentionally embark on to unlock your fullest potential and reach self-actualization.

The ultimate goal of human transformation is reaching the highest state of consciousness. It’s also known as enlightenment, awakening, satori, metamorphosis, moksha, and the Great Liberation.

It’s called “absolute awareness” or ultimate consciousness, and Ken claims that “these states are about the nature of the nature, it’s something substantial, and you’re directly and immediately one with them.”

Examples of Personal Transformation

Personal transformation is not a linear process. It may start with changing one habit or limiting belief, or taking a leap of faith in some area of your life. Here are some examples of personal transformation:

Becoming a vegetarian,

Giving up alcohol or quitting smoking,

Starting a new career,

Moving to a new country,

Overcoming deep-seated fears, and

Forgiving your wrongdoers.

In short, personal transformation can be internal or external—when you transform your inner world or change things outside yourself.

Types of Personal Transformation

There are two types, or methods, of transformation—through suffering and through the gradual accumulation of evolved meaning schema. The kensho and satori moments:

●Kensho moments are the moments of pain and suffering.

●Satori moments are the moment of insight.

Most people evolve through a combination of kensho and satori moments. And although both types of personal transformation serve your growth, growing through satori moments can make your evolution faster, easier, and more graceful.

Then, why do you have to experience pain and suffering to advance in life?

Think of your afflictions as your Soul’s nudges—when you are stubbornly stuck in your limiting beliefs, detrimental patterns, and behaviors, it uses kensho moments to wake you up.

The kenshō literally means “seeing one’s true nature.” In other words, it’s a state of releasing who you think you are and coming to your true self.

On the other hand, you can evolve through satori moments of insight that allow you to shift quickly. The more you invest in your personal transformation, the more satori moments you will have. “The more satori moments you have, the less pain and suffering you will experience in life,” .

A woman in prayer pose to go through the personal transformation stages

The 12 Stages of Personal Transformation

 The term “monomyth,” also known as the hero’s journey, which is made of 12 stages.

The hero’s journey

This is a journey of personal transformation. It’s about an ordinary person who starts a journey of self-transformation that leads them to discover a higher purpose for the greater good.

The hero’s journey is an empowering way of making sense of where you are and what’s coming. It serves as a roadmap for tracking your self-transformation.

These are the 12 stages of inner and outer transformation that you’re going to go through in your life, according to the monomyth:

The Ordinary World: This is you living your normal life.

The Call to Adventure: Something disrupting happens in your world, calling you to take a new direction in life.

Refusal of the Call: You feel scared and full of doubts, so you stay where you are until you get another call that you cannot ignore.

Meeting the Mentor: You meet a guide or a teacher who gives you the tools to set off on this new adventure.

Crossing the First Threshold: This is when you enter a new territory and learn something new.

Tests & Allies: You step out of your comfort zone, putting your knowledge into action. This is when you are put to the test, so you call in your allies to support you.

The Approach to the Inmost Cave: This is when you take a leap of faith and keep going into the unknown.

The Ordeal: Here you face your major challenge. It could be your biggest shadow, fear, or limiting belief that you must overcome to proceed to the next stage.

The Reward: This is your breakthrough moment when you see your progress.

The Road Back: You start your journey back home, preparing yourself for transitioning. Here you reflect on your transformation and how to fit it into your life.

Resurrection: This is your final moment of discovery or challenge. You might experience something like a rebirth after which you realize your transformation.

The Return with the Elixir: Your final stage of victory.

There are plenty of books and movies that have been influenced by the monomyth of Campbell. Here is a list of the most well-known books and movies that incorporate the hero’s journey narrative:


The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling


Star Wars

The Matrix

The Lion King

Indiana Jones

Does your journey stop here? No, it never does as you begin another journey for a deeper transformation.

The 4 Stages of Spiritual Growth

Another well-established way of looking at personal growth is the four stages of spiritual unfoldment. You can use these stages as a mirror to see clearly where you are in your personal growth and development.

Let’s look at every stage in detail:

1. Victim consciousness: to me

This stage is characterized by the idea that something happens to you—in other words, there are some external forces or circumstances that determine your destiny. This is why it’s called the “victim” consciousness.

2. Manifestor consciousness: for me

When you realize that your experiences are determined by subconscious programming and conditioning, you begin to see that life is happening for you. This new perspective allows you to break free from beliefs and perceptions that no longer serve. 

This is a very powerful stage where you bring things into manifestation.

3. Channeler consciousness: through me

It’s the “vehicle” stage because something is happening through you—you become a channel through which you allow everything to happen. 

At this stage, you begin to see life as it is—eternal and unaltered by your experiences and perceptions. 

The manifestor consciousness, you no longer use your mind to manifest life the way you want it to be. “Instead, you use all that you are as an avenue so that life could express itself more fully and completely. You surrender to life,”.

4. Being consciousness: as me

It’s the most profound stage of coherence and harmony with who you are as an eternal spiritual being. At this stage, you are aware of your eternality and your connection with life.  The state of mastery, is a state of being.

These stages aren’t linear — in some areas of your life, you may feel victimized, while in others you may flow like a channeler. So, becoming fully aware of where you stand in every area is crucial for your growth.

The four stages of higher consciousness

Personal transformation journey isn’t easy as it requires a great deal of inner work. But when you see it as your most important priority, life will inevitably flow.

Wherever you are on your journey, here are some inspirational quotes to help you see it as the most rewarding experience:

● Your time on this planet isn’t the time of wasted incarnation. You are an instrument to bring something to it that the next generation will love.

● Transformation creates a shift in consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters your ways of being in the world.

● This journey of becoming the best version starts with celebrating yourself as a unique creation. It starts with loving yourself. So your transformation is impossible without self-love and self-appreciation.

● If you choose what happens within you, you can choose the highest level of pleasantness. And when you feel wonderful, you do wonderful things around you.

● Whatever you do inside transforms the outside.

● The spiritual path is a quest for self-actualization and your commitment to helping others achieve the same. It’s your desire to be all you can be as a human being.

● When you raise your level of spiritual fitness and facilitate your spiritual growth, you will excel in life as a human being and a spiritual being while creating a positive influence on humanity and our collective consciousness.

● Fear is one of the greatest blocks to spiritual growth.

● The purpose of life is to re-create yourself anew in the next golden moment of now, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about who you are.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Designing Your Rich Life, being rich in ...

 And What That Means For You?

●In order to live life to your fullest, grow into your greatest potential and give back generously, one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is your relationship with money. 

●Getting rich isn’t about luck, talent, or smarts. 

●There’s a scientific way of thinking and doing things that brings about abundance. 

●It is this style of thought that brings about the greatest fortune.


● 为了充分享受生活,发挥你最大的潜力,并慷慨地回报社会,最重要的部分之一就是你与金钱的关系。 




●Here we’re sharing “Designing Your Rich Life” so that you can start to make the life you’ve always dreamed of a reality. 

 ●If you’re ready to open the floodgates to a life of wealth and prosperity, then go ahead.



●It’s time to focus on big picture dreams and ask yourself: 

“What do I really want?” 🤔 

More travel? 

More time with friends and family? 

A new home? 

A successful career? 






“There are people who have money and people who are rich.” – Coco Chanel


With A New Moment Here, Have You Begun Designing Your Rich Life, And What That Means For You? 


In order to live life to your fullest, grow into your greatest potential and give back generously, one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is your relationship with money. Getting rich isn’t about luck, talent, or smarts. There’s a scientific way of thinking and doing things that brings about abundance. It is this style of thought that brings about the greatest fortune.


In this moment we’re sharing “Designing Your Rich Life” so that you can start to make the life you’ve always dreamed of a reality. If you’re ready to open the floodgates to a life of wealth and prosperity, then go ahead and celebrate every single moment.... peace ✌️ 


✨ Four different areas of your life to visualize designing your rich life


✨ What you need to do after visualizing your goals to actually manifest them


✨ Why you need to align your dreams on a subconscious levels


✨ A guided technique to come back to, to connect with your rich life




Utilize Your Mental Movie Screen 


●One of the biggest mistakes people make at the beginning of the day is not spending enough time visualizing and practicing their desired behaviors in their minds. ●人们在一天开始时犯的最大错误之一就是没有花足够的时间在脑海中想象和实践他们想要的行为。

●Mental movie screening is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. ●心理电影放映是帮助您实现目标的有力工具。

●By visualizing ourselves experiencing our desired behavior or achieving a specific goal, we are programming our minds to accept it as reality. ●通过想象自己经历着期望的行为或实现特定的目标,我们正在对我们的思想进行编程以接受它作为现实。

●It’s like a mental dress rehearsal for success. ●这就像是一次成功的心理彩排。

●The more we visualize it, the more real it becomes to us, and the easier it is to manifest it in the real world. ●我们越是将其形象化,它对我们来说就越真实,也就越容易在现实世界中体现出来。

Have a Specific Direction In Mind


●You want to be clear about your goals and make them detailed. ●你要明确自己的目标,并使其具体化。

●It’s essential to know where we’re headed and what we want to achieve, even if that direction changes later on. ●我们必须知道我们要去哪里以及我们想要实现什么,即使这个方向后来会改变。

●Clarity gives us a compass to navigate our journey and helps us to measure our progress and adjust our course if needed. ●清晰度为我们提供了导航旅程的指南针,帮助我们衡量进度并在必要时调整我们的路线。

●Without this clarity, it’s difficult to know when to celebrate a goal or when to take a break and avoid burnout. ●如果没有这种清晰的认识,就很难知道何时庆祝目标、何时休息和避免倦怠。

Reprogram Your Mind 重塑你的思维

●It’s also crucial to remember that success and achievement don’t define our self-worth. ●同样重要的是要记住,成功和成就并不能定义我们的自我价值。

●We deserve to take a break and relax in the life we’ve worked hard to create. ●在我们努力创造的生活中,我们应该休息一下,放松一下。

●It’s important to reprogram your mind to let go of the hustle mentality and allow yourself time to rest and rejuvenate. ●重新调整你的思维,摆脱忙碌的心态,给自己时间休息和恢复活力,这一点很重要。

●We often get caught up in the rat race of achieving more and more, but it’s important to remember that true success is living a fulfilling and balanced life.  Remember we are human beings; not a rat . ●我们经常陷入不断追求更多目标的激烈竞争中,但重要的是要记住,真正的成功是过上充实而平衡的生活。记住,我们是人,不是老鼠。

●Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just achieved. ●生活是为了享受,而不仅仅是为了实现目标。


● What you aren’t doing that’s keeping you from living your rich life.● 您没有做的事情阻碍了您过上富裕的生活。

● Why you need to safeguard your calendar space each year. Each moment  in life is priceless. ● 为什么你需要每年守护你的日历空间。生命中的每一刻都是无价的。

● Visualizing your goals isn’t enough – here’s what you need to do to actually make it happen. ● 仅仅形象化地看待您的目标是不够的,您还需要采取以下措施来真正实现它。

● The framework around integrating new information into your subconscious. ● 围绕将新信息整合到你的潜意识中的框架。

● Envision what your highest level of health looks like for you. ● 想象一下您的最高健康水平是什么样的。

● Visualize in your mind the possibilities and opportunities ahead of you this day. ● 在脑海中想象一下今天您面临的可能性和机遇。

● A technique to subconsciously connect with your rich life this moment. ● 一种在潜意识中与您此刻丰富的生活联系起来的技巧。

“I want more wisdom from Almighty God” “我希望全能的上帝赐予我更多智慧”  “Wǒ xīwàng quánnéng de shàngdì cìyǔ wǒ gèng duō zhìhuì”

●This helps us elevate even more people — just like you — to discover their purpose and live the life they dream of. ●这帮助我们帮助更多的人——就像您一样——发现他们的目标并过上他们梦想的生活。

●Been looking to start your meditation practice or need help staying consistent? ●想要开始冥想练习或需要坚持练习的帮助?

●Start relaxing in less than 15 minutes a day.●每天花不到15分钟开始放松。

●With a new day here, it’s time to focus on big picture dreams and ask yourself: ●新的一天已经到来,是时候聚焦远大的梦想并问问自己:

“What do I really want?” “我到底想要什么?”

Do I really want more travel? 我真的想要更多旅行吗?

Do I really want more time with friends and family? 我真的想有更多时间与朋友和家人在一起吗?

Do I really want a new home? 我真的想要一个新家吗?

Do I really want a successful career? 我真的想要事业有成吗?

Do I really want a romantic love life?  我真的想要浪漫的爱情生活吗?

●In order to live to your fullest, grow into your greatest potential, and give back generously, one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is your relationship with money. It is at the foundation of nearly everything you do in the world. ●为了充分享受生活,发挥最大的潜力,并慷慨地回报社会,最重要的部分之一就是你与金钱的关系。它是你在世界上所做的几乎所有事情的基础。

●Your attitude toward wealth and prosperity paint the landscape of your life.●您对财富和繁荣的态度描绘了您的生活面貌。

●Far too often, people limit their ability to succeed and thrive with a poverty mindset. They think riches are tough to come by. That only certain or special people can achieve any wealth. ●人们常常以贫穷的心态限制自己获得成功和发展的能力。他们认为财富来之不易。只有某些或特殊的人才能获得财富。

●But, getting living rich life on your own terms isn’t about luck, talent, or smarts. There is a scientific way of thinking and doing things that brings about abundance. ●但是,按照自己的意愿过上富裕的生活并不是靠运气、天赋或智慧。有一种科学的思维方式和做事方法可以带来富足。

●It is this style of thought that brings about the greatest fortunes. ●正是这种思维方式带来了最大的财富。

. 🚀

You’ll discover: 你会发现:

🤑 How to once and for all overcome your money blocks 如何一劳永逸地克服你的资金障碍

🤑 Why working harder and longer doesn’t lead to more abundance 为什么更努力、更长时间地工作并不能带来更多的富裕

🤑 How to design your Rich Life and develop Wealth Consciousness 如何设计你的富裕生活并培养财富意识

🤑 The Power of creating an Alter Ego 创造另一个自我的力量

🤑 Plus 3 powerful, guided meditations to integrate all the training 加上 3 个强大的引导式冥想,将所有训练整合在一起



What does your rich life look like? 你的富裕生活是什么样的?

Personal Desk 个人办公桌

‘Imagine that in order to have a great life you have to cross a dangerous jungle. You can stay safe where you are and have an ordinary life, or risk crossing the jungle to have an extraordinary life. How would you approach that choice?’ “想象一下,为了过上美好的生活,你必须穿越危险的丛林。你可以留在原地过着平凡的生活,也可以冒险穿越丛林过上非凡的生活。你会如何选择呢?”

This is a question from  ‘Principles’. Principles are ways of successfully dealing with reality to get what you want out of life. 这是来自“原则”的一个问题。原则是成功应对现实、实现人生目标的方法。

What sits on the other side of the jungle is your rich life. 丛林的另一边是你丰富多彩的生活。

When asking people this question I have had a range of responses, these being the extremes: 当我问别人这个问题时,我得到了各种各样的回答,以下是一些极端的回答:

●‘Absolutely, I cross the jungle.’ ●“当然,我穿越了丛林。”

●‘I am not after what the world generally considers an extraordinary life.’ ●“我追求的并不是世人普遍认为的非凡人生。”

●‘I don’t think I can cross the jungle.’ ●“我认为我无法穿越丛林。”

Let’s just say the point of the question is not one of whether you are going to cross the jungle, but more how you approach the choice – as the question actually asks. 可以这么说,这个问题的重点不在于你是否要穿越丛林,而在于你如何做出选择 — — 正如这个问题实际上所问的那样。

 Nonetheless the middle response is interesting to me, and I resonate with it a lot. 尽管如此,中间的回答对我来说很有趣,并且我对此有很大的共鸣。

I don’t particularly want to live by what the world defines as extraordinary. That either being famous, or having millions and a yacht to sail around on. 我并不特别想按照世人所定义的非凡标准来生活。那就是要么出名,要么拥有数百万美元和一艘游艇四处航行。

I want an extraordinary life set by my standards. My idea of a rich life. And the journey of getting there is crossing the jungle. 我想要一种按照我的标准设定的非凡生活。我所理解的富裕生活。而到达那里的旅程就是穿越丛林。

What does a ‘rich life’ actually mean? 


You might believe that ‘rich’ means having plenty money, and there may be financial realities to living your extraordinary life. 你可能认为“富有”意味着拥有足够的钱,但实现非凡生活可能也需要一定的经济现实。

But you don’t need to be a millionaire to live like one. Let me define a term called the ‘New Rich’ which deals in the currency of time and flexibility. 但你不需要成为百万富翁才能像百万富翁一样生活。让我来定义一个叫做“新富”的术语,它与时间和灵活性的货币有关。

How you go about obtaining more time and flexibility to do the things you want to do may be different. 如何获得更多的时间和灵活性去做您想做的事情可能会有所不同。

The concept of a rich life is individualistic – it will differ for everyone, just like our goals. 富裕生活的概念是个人化的——每个人都是不同的,就像我们的目标一样。

The question should be what do you want your life to look like? 问题应该是你希望你的生活是什么样的?

If you begin to think about what your rich life looks like, you might see elements that are similar to your current lifestyle. 如果你开始思考你的富裕生活是什么样的,你可能会看到与你现在的生活方式相似的元素。

This could be: 这可能是:

●Working for your ideal organisation or person ●为你理想的组织或个人工作

●The ability to go on holiday a few times a year ●每年可以出去度假几次

●Spending more time with family and friends ●花更多时间与家人和朋友在一起

●Going on adventures. ●进行惊险刺激的冒险。

I would suggest one or two of these things would be in most people’s rich life, and ultimately are all possible. 我认为这些事情中的一两件会成为大多数人富裕生活中的一部分,并且最终都是可能实现的。

Take a moment to think about the things you would ideally have in your life. 花点时间想想你理想中拥有的东西。

The chances are you don’t need to be a millionaire to fulfil each of the things that make up your rich life. 你可能不需要成为百万富翁就能实现构成富裕生活的每一件事。

When we think about our extraordinary life in this way, it doesn’t appear so crazy. 当我们以这种方式思考我们非凡的人生时,它就不再显得那么疯狂了。

Crossing the jungle is easier than initially thought. 穿越丛林比最初想象的要容易。

The dreamline 梦想线

If you are struggling with designing your rich life, there is an exercise in the ‘4-Hour Work Week’ which assists this process – ‘dreamlining’. 如果您正在努力设计自己的富裕生活,那么“每周工作 4 小时”中有一项练习可以帮助您完成这一过程——“梦想路线”。

The suggestion is that you dreamline over 6 or 12 months, but there is no reason you can’t use this process to design the ideal rich life. 建议你用 6 个月或 12 个月的时间来实现梦想,但没有理由不能用这个过程来设计理想的富裕生活。

It consists of three factors: 它由三个因素组成:

1. What you would like to have – possessions, tangible things. For example, a new car 一、你想拥有什么——财产,有形的东西。例如,一辆新车

2. What you would like to be – these are accomplishments, or skills that you would like to have. For example, be fluent in another language  二, 你想成为什么样的人——这些是你想拥有的成就或技能。例如,精通另一种语言

3. What would you like to be doing – experiences you would like to be having. For example, climbing a mountain. 三、你想做什么——你想拥有的经历。例如,爬山。

Once you have your list outlined, its time to roughly cost up how much you need to make it happen. Unless you have a desire for a few expensive cars and a yacht it will likely not be as daunting a prospect as you think to be living your rich life. Calculate your target monthly income needed to make it happen. The chances are you will not need to be a millionaire!列出清单后,就该大致估算一下实现目标需要多少钱了。除非你渴望拥有几辆昂贵的汽车和一艘游艇,否则过上富裕的生活可能并不像你想象的那么可怕。计算实现目标所需的目标月收入。你很可能不需要成为百万富翁!

When finance does come into it 当金融介入时

You might be wondering what you will need to cut back on in your current life to be able to make your rich life possible. 您可能想知道在当前生活中需要削减哪些开支才能实现富裕的生活。

 The narrative around money usually focuses on reducing spending. 关于金钱的叙述通常集中于减少开支。

In ‘I will teach you to be rich’, Ramit Sethi discusses that saving £3 on a coffee each week really doesn’t amount to much. If you enjoy that coffee you should not have to go without it to try and save that £12 a month (is that really worth it?!). 在《我教你如何致富》中,拉米特·塞西 (Ramit Sethi) 谈到,每周在咖啡上省下 3 英镑其实不算什么。如果你喜欢喝咖啡,就不应该为了每月省下 12 英镑而放弃喝咖啡(这真的值得吗?!)。

The emphasis instead should be on how you maximise your income. 重点应该放在如何最大化你的收入上。

His book outlines negotiating salary, using credit card benefits, and long term investments; all of which can help maximise your earning potential. 他的书概述了谈判薪酬、使用信用卡福利和长期投资;所有这些都可以帮助您最大限度地提高收入潜力。

If you are looking for alternative ways to generate income, Chris Guillebeau’s books ‘The $100 Startup’ and ‘Side Hustle’ might give you some inspiration and a road map to follow.

如果您正在寻找其他创收方式,Chris Guillebeau 的著作《100 美元创业》和《副业》可能会给您一些启发和可遵循的路线图。

There is more to life than being rich 生活不仅仅是富有

As I have outlined, there may be financial realities to living your extraordinary life. 正如我所概述的,过上非凡的生活可能会遇到一些财务现实问题。

Financial freedom may mean you can do more travelling, or adventures but that doesn’t make it a necessary feat. 财务自由可能意味着你可以做更多的旅行或冒险,但这并不意味着这是必要的。

Things to consider as part of your rich life: 丰富生活需要考虑的事项:

● Being socially rich - surrounding yourself with the people who you care about most, having the ability to spend time with, and create 'moments' and experiences with them. ● 社交丰富——与您最关心的人在一起,有能力与他们共度时光,并与他们一起创造“时刻”和体验。

● Being rich in time – if we are constantly running around, busy being busy, we are not enjoying our lives. Create a situation with more flexibility to have increased control over your time. This could be through working remotely more often, or automating income. ● 拥有充足的时间——如果我们总是忙忙碌碌,忙忙碌碌,我们就不会享受生活。创造一个更灵活的环境,以更好地控制你的时间。这可以通过更频繁地远程工作或自动获得收入来实现。

● Being rich in good conversation – are you surrounding yourself with people who can bear deep conversation, or are you scratching around the surface with small talk? – building the network you want around you is a key part of your rich life. ● 善于交谈——你周围的人是否能够承受深入的交谈,还是你只是在闲聊?——在你周围建立你想要的人际网络是你丰富生活的关键部分。

● Being rich in learning – if you’re reading my blog it is likely that the pursuit of constant learning is important to you. Take opportunities to learn when they come, and better yet, share your learning with others. You will learn better by teaching other. ● 不断学习——如果你正在阅读我的博客,那么你很可能觉得不断学习很重要。抓住学习的机会,最好与他人分享你的学习成果。通过教导他人,你会学得更好。

● Being rich in experiences – if your thing is travelling, create space for more overseas trips. If it is going for coffee, design a life where you can fit in more trips to your favourite coffee shops. ● 丰富体验——如果你喜欢旅行,那就留出更多时间去国外旅行。如果你喜欢喝咖啡,那就设计一种可以让你更多次前往你最喜欢的咖啡馆的生活。

Figuring out your rich life is a way to begin designing your life to get to where you want to be. 弄清楚你的富裕生活是开始设计你的生活以达到你想要的目标的一种方式。

It is when we take the context of being ‘rich’ outside of money that we come to realise the true value of other things, and the importance they play in our lives. 当我们将“富有”的概念拓展到金钱之外时,我们才意识到其他事物的真正价值,以及它们在我们生活中的重要性。

Money is simply the vehicle to get you on the road to living your rich life. 金钱只是让你走上富裕生活的工具。

What does your rich life look like? And are you going to cross the jungle to get to it? 你的富足生活是什么样的?你会穿越丛林去实现它吗?

Previous post — Why you should live in the present ●上一篇文章——为什么你应该活在当下

Next post — There is more to life than happiness  ●下一篇文章 — 生活中除了幸福还有更多 Here